Grateful for Kingdom Connections

Elijah had a problem. He felt he was the only one making a stand for the true God of Israel. It was a lonely trek and he felt as though his efforts were fruitless if the ruling power of the day still seemed to be getting by with the idolatry. In His mercy and kindness, God assured him that among other things, he was not the only one and to reinforce that he was sent to take on his successor to all him to go through his apprenticeship.

The blessing of following Jesus is knowing that I am not on my own. That is a fact. Not only has He given me His Spirit and assured me of angelic protection, He has gone as far as to reassure me that there are people who also follow Him who are keen to show love and care. I appreciate that, because it does not always feel that way. Sometimes it feels as though the hunger for God, desire for the Kingdom, longing for the return of Jesus is not as pressing on others. It’s like you’re a bit of an oddity. People prefer talking about other issues and stressing over that and making a big deal about it.

The blessing remains a fact, though, that there are others who love nothing better that to see how the Kingdom of God influences and directs us as to what we do in engaging in every day life. Such is their love for Jesus that they make applications and connections to all of life in the lens of who Jesus is.

We live in an age where we can have a connections of sorts with music and teaching online. So much good stuff are available. Yet, nothing beats making flesh to flesh connections with men and women of God who are also excited about seeing Jesus real in and through others. It’s great to have the family of God in your vicinity and regularly connecting with them. It’s great to make those Kingdom connections with others face to face and develop those relationships.

It reaffirms the reality that God has His people everywhere. It also assures us that the God of relationships still provides them as a way to enjoy fellowship with each other as well as with the Father through the Son by His Spirit.

For His Name’s Sake


C. L. J. Dryden

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