A Prayer of Thanks: For Kingdom Perspective

Dear Heavenly Father:

Who rules in the affairs of men? Who can rule? Who has the authority, the wisdom and might? Who is capable? Who is trustworthy?

I am grateful for the answer to this question, Lord. I’m grateful for the journey that leads to the satisfying answer to the question.

Kingdom Then: Thank you that your rule is not something new, but was something established from creation. Yet in a way, ever since we rebelled against that rule, your way of doing things becomes out new. I acknowledge that I fell in for the rule of self or the rule of the world. I acknowledge that I preferred to be the captain and ruler of my life and sought to have everything done my way. I acknowledge that I saw the adverts given for self-made people and preferring self-rule to anything else and thinking that was the way. I know that this is how I was conditioned and this is what played to my desires. I also see how it enslaved me and never truly allowed me to experience real freedom. I was a slave to sin until your love broke through. I was chained to a cycle of defeat until I saw Jesus for who He reveals Himself to be. I was stumbling in darkness until Jesus the light shined and pointed out that Jesus the Way was available for me to know Jesus the Truth and experience Jesus the Life. In the light of all that I could see that the rule of the world and the rule of myself would only end in disaster and ruin.

Kingdom Now: Thank you for your rule that I live by today. My identity before anything else is as your child. A joint-heir with your son, Jesus. A recipient of your dear Holy Spirit, so I can be a subject of the Kingdom. A Kingdom of righteousness revealed in faithfulness, love and service. A Kingdom of peace seen in relationships blending together harmoniously where none considers themselves more important than the other, but seeks to see the enhancement of the others for your glory. A Kingdom of joy expressed in saints looking to Jesus through suffering, persecution anguish and heartache knowing that He went through this and emerged triumphantly for the joy that awaited Him in your presence.

Kingdom Come: Thank you for your rule that is yet to be established. Where sorrows and pain will come to an end. Where evil will be washed away. Where you will rule in all, through all, over all and all will be to your honour and glory. It’s the hope that drives the present desire to remain faithful. It’s the hope that we see glimpses of in people experiencing your power to make whole that which was broken. It’s the hope based on the firm foundation of the revelation of the Living Hope – Jesus Christ our Lord. The Lord who showed the rule in His relations with the people of Israel. The Lord who showed the rule in His earthly ministry. The Lord who shows the rule in those who follow Him faithfully today.

Thank you, Lord for your rule today in the midst of uncertainty, corruption and confusion. Thank you, Lord for your rule today in the midst of pride, fear and apathy. Thank you for the way to see your rule and an ever growing desire to learn more of you and your way. Thank you that this Kingdom perspective helps to negotiate and navigate through life’s various challenges.

Thank you, Father.

(Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash)

For Your Name’s Sake


C. L. J. Dryden

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