Paul & Sons: 03 – Mercy, Grace and Peace to You: An Encouraging Start

(This is part of the series exploring Paul’s letters to Timothy and Titus. You can catch up on the series so far by clicking here. This entry considers Paul’s writings to Timothy covered in 1 Timothy 1.)

This reading was recorded by Shirley Rosemarie Evans of Eden Cumi Ministries

In considering and reflecting on these words it is useful to consider commentaries, dictionaries and other resources of that nature. What I also find to be very helpful is not just to read the scripture, but to listen to the scripture being read – hear the natural flow of the words, thoughts and sentiments.

It’s a blessing to have access to such audio renditions and I’ll post some along with the reflections.

Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by command of God our Savior and of Christ Jesus our hope, To Timothy, my true child in the faith: Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.

1 Timothy 1:1-2 (ESV)

It’s wonderful to take in this greeting. The personal dynamic of father to son. The desire for his son to receive grace, mercy and peace. What’s so beautiful to reflect on as well, however, is how the Father and the Son are described. Saviour, Hope, Father and Lord. It is an opening, we are clear on that. Just reflect on that, though.

God saves us. He is the source of who we are as our Father. The Son – the Promised Messiah – is the reason for us to look forward with confident expectation. This glorious Son is also our Lord – the one who thus directs us in what we should do. Those elements have significant implications for what we are about to read from Paul to his son.

What I hear when I hear the letter of Paul to Timothy is a man who loves.

1 Timothy 1 (English Standard Version)

A man who has experienced the love of God the Father through the revelation of Jesus Christ the Son. A man who, as a result, loves the gospel of Jesus Christ. A man who has developed relationships based on this love. A man who saw communities of grace built on the acceptance of the gospel of Jesus Christ. A man who also has a love of the truth and is keen that this is the bedrock for those who believe in Jesus and seek to develop the community on the foundation of faith in Jesus Christ.

This love that fills the life of Paul leads him to write this letter to his true son in the faith. An expression of love in itself. This letter does not express a soppy, sentimental kind of love at all, though. This letter is about the mission that God’s love propels them to complete. A mission that Paul is holding Timothy accountable for. This mission in the church in Ephesus is about dealing with the problem of those in positions of responsibility expressing that which does not line up with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Instead, there’s a whole lot of nonsense teaching taking place that is diverting people from the true gospel. Timothy, then, is taking part in the great quest to have the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ be at the heart of leadership and community in the church in Ephesus.

1 Timothy 1 (New International Version)

There is something about the good conscience and sincere faith.

The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.

1 Timothy 1:5 (ESV)

This charge I entrust to you, Timothy, my child, in accordance with the prophecies previously made about you, that by them you may wage the good warfare, holding faith and a good conscience.

1 Timothy 1;18-19

These values are to be hallmarks of those called by God to serve Him and serve the Body of Christ. The love that comes from God and leads to this type of conscience and faith helps to shape both the life of the community and the character of those in leadership who are to exhibit in an exemplary manner the life that the community should be reflecting.

This is why Paul’s autobiographical element of this first chapter is there as a set-up to show that this glorious God has done something wonderful through the gospel of Jesus Christ and we’re supposed to grasp that firmly and teach the truths of that.

1 Timothy 1 (New King James Version)

A word on Paul handing over Hymenaeus and Alexander to Satan. What does that mean? Why is it important? This appears to be Paul taking the instruction that Jesus sets out in Matthew 18:15-20. This ensures that because these men have continued to negate the corrections offered for the community of Christ, a significant step has been taken to exclude them from the community until they appreciate the severity of their teaching.

That stresses something about the value that the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ – that which makes for sound teaching – should have among the community of Christ. That truth should take preeminence because of the love we have received from God who grants us grace, mercy and peace.

1 Timothy 1 (New Living Translation)


  • Reflect on the significance of God referred to as our Saviour and the Father as well as Jesus being referred to as our Hope and our Lord – why are these so significant to us?
  • Timothy is given clear instructions about him remaining in Ephesus – why is the mission so important?
  • Paul is aware of why he was granted such a ministry. How do you understand that purpose? What service do you think God has entrusted to you?
  • What is the significance of people being handed over to Satan to the precious nature of the community of Christ today?

For His Name’s Sake


C. L. J. Dryden

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