Our Delight, Our Meditation

The really wonderful gift from God is a genuine appreciation for that which is beautiful.

This is seen in what He does with the eyesight. From blindness and stumbling in darkness, there’s a great change thanks to the light He brings. He opens the eyes to see and He lights the way and in this marvellous light, we fix our eyes on what is the most beautiful apparition we have ever glimpsed – the Lord Jesus Christ.

We see Him as described throughout scripture. In particular, we see Him as He walks the paths and streets of life in human form. From being seated with religious teachers and rulers at 12 years old to being baptised roughly 18 years later. In the wilderness fasting and tempted. On the seaside, in the villages and the cities preaching, teaching, calling, demonstrating, healing, delivering, sharing and so much more. In the garden agonising, betrayed and deserted. In the courtyard pronounced with the sentence of death by crucifixion. Hung on the cross between two thieves, mocked and ridiculed. Breathing the last breath handing His spirit back to His Father. Engaging in a resurrected body, with Mary three days later with her thinking He was just a gardener. Connecting with disciples and restoring his friend to help others in their walk of faith. Sharing and teaching them more about that which was fundamental to Him. Promising them the power to come as He ascends to the right hand of the Father. Meeting Saul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus. Revealing Himself to His beloved friend John on the Isle of Patmos and showing him a grand vision of what was, what is and what is to come all culminating in seeing Jesus, being with Jesus, celebrating Jesus for eternity.

No wonder that Saul of Tarsus would later write that all He wanted to do as to know Him. It is no surprise that Peter, the one restored, would leave as his last word to those he cared for was to grow in knowing Jesus. This is no surprise, because this wonderful light, this beautiful existence of the day captures the heart and mind to what is truly beautiful. Jesus is truly beautiful.

Seeing that beauty expressed in humility, meekness, mercy, compassion, grace, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, joy and love is something that we don’t just consider in a fleeting way. We gaze upon this with wonder. We reflect on this with awe. This captivates our being in a way that no one and nothing else ever could, because this is pure beauty.

The blessed man in Psalm 1 delighted in the law of the Lord and meditated on it day and night. The blessed man today sees this word fulfilled and take on flesh in the man, Jesus Christ.

Jesus is our delight. Jesus is our meditation.

Thank you, Jesus.

(Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash)

For His Name’s Sake


C. L. J. Dryden

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