Dryden Update: Grateful for Mercies Of All Sizes

So, this is November. You come across this month and you’re facing the tail end of the year.

Not quite time to get all reflective on how things have gone. But it is time to start feeling things getting colder and time to wrap up and conserve as much energy as you can. Of course, I’m talking about things from the perspective of someone living in Stoke-on-Trent a city of England.

As a resident here, I am grateful to live in the city. Even more, I am grateful to live with my wife and our three beautiful daughters. In the month of October, we were blessed to have a visit from my wife’s son who is such a vital member of our family I have much to be thankful for in the month of October. I got to meet some beautiful saints that I’d never seen before. The month has also seen God provide for my family in ways that leave me truly astonished at how God stays faithful to look after His own. I am thankful for the mercies He shows of all sizes.

The blog has got into its groove in the month. the timing as ever is fascinating in how that groove has flowed just as two of the series have reached their conclusion. The series on the Daniel Files will conclude in its next section. The book of Daniel is one that proves to be worth studying the more you read it. It’s not to be daunting even if what is talked about is immense. I’m glad to have gone through the experience.

The series on the seven churches in What the Spirit Says has been vital to go through for me. The church that Jesus is preparing has to listen to what He says and those words to those seven churches are so relevant today. Maybe, at some juncture, I can have a look at the book of Revelation as a whole and a bit like Revelation encourage us to see how this is the revelation of Jesus that He wanted His church to be aware of to give reasons for our joy to be full and hope for what God is doing and is set to do.

The series on a Word of Wisdom contrasting wisdom from above and below is proving to be challenging and constructive. It highlights just how the way God communicates is something worth meditating on to inform how we live applying the wisdom that His Spirit gives us.

The series of blog conversations with my brother is a real treat. It’s great to be able to ask my brother questions that set him off on streams of thought that should challenge readers not just to think, but to also address what they stand for. For me, it’s a great platform to genuinely outline things that I’ve never written about in such a way before. I’m grateful for the questions and grateful for the chance to ask my brother. I hope that can keep going from strength to strength.

As the writing continues on this platform, work is going on in the background to develop more content to be expressed on different platforms. It’s carrying on in a steady manner at the moment, but when the time arrives to make it present, I’ll be sure the goods here. Thank you for your time reading the blog, leaving comments and clicking those likes. Those actions are not taken lightly by me. Whenever I can engage I love to do so.

Keep praying for my family and me, it is our desire to be faithful to the call of God in our lives. We’re people who endeavour to seek God’s Kingdom first. He’s done so much for us, He is so worthy of our adoration, gratitude and life’s devotion.

For His Name’s Sake


C. L. J. Dryden

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