Dryden Links: Who’s Doing The Building?

A life. A relationship. A family. A project. A community. A business. These things and more are built. How they are built tends to determine whether they will succeed or collapse in abject failure.

Success in building tends to come from knowing what success looks like and who can orchestrate andevelop it based on an outstanding track record.

Psalm 127 refers to building and it’s been my privilege to come across two pieces that gives insight on both the beauty of the Psalm and why knowing the real Architect is the key to success in building from the basics and beyond.

Bob Dellinger helps greatly explaining why this Psalm is not just a lyric or a sentiment, but an insight into life and the family can succeed.

Meanwhile John Quigley puts this in perspective for regular life to be considered to be built on what matters by the one who matters most.

So much effort is put in by so many to make their lives and activities worthwhile. It’s often easy to delude yourself into a sense of contentment despite clearly not doing well at this life thing. Much better to ensure that the building is based on the right foundation with the help of the best architect.

For His Name’s Sake


C. L. J. Dryden

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