What The Spirit Says … 04 Make A Note Of What Is …

(Reflections on the set up for what Jesus is about to say to the seven churches at the end of Revelation 1. Catch up on the series through part 1 and part 2 and the last part giving a historical context.)

Splendid and awesome though the vision of Jesus was to John and awestruck as He was, Jesus was not there for John to be starstruck. Jesus had an important message for John to give a set audience and it was key that the audience heard the whole message.

Write down what you have seen—both the things that are now happening and the things that will happen.

Revelation 1:19

We have the seven churches in different geographical locations in the same region of the world. What is to come is certainly of great importance. Knowing what is up ahead can do wonders for what we do in the present. Yet Jesus is not just there to outline what is coming up. He is there to address the present.

John is presented with the image of Jesus present among His churches. He is not distant. He is not an absentee landlord. This is His bride. This is His church that He said would be built and the gates of Hades would not prevail against it. He has a vested interest in the current circumstances of His Body.

The grand scale and scheme of what is to come, the scope of what John is to see is cosmic and eternal in nature and features much in terms of the conflict and what must be endured. For all of that, though, the first message the churches should hear – the ones about the hear and now are crucial to take on board. Not just the state of the individual church, but the church in the context of the churches in the area.

The seven churches is no coincidence or random number of churches. The range of insights given by the Lord on the status of the churches is to make the whole church get the whole picture on how the Lord views His church – what matters to Him, what He will condemn and what He will commend.

The audience receiving this letter were to take heed to what was being outlined. The audience today is separated by at least two millennia and cultures that are far daifferent to what those seven churches experienced. For all those differences and bridges to cross, the letters remain and are retained for us to get a precious insight in what Jesus Himself has to say. These are the words of the glorified Lord. We will explore each church individually, but it is important to refer back to the desire Jesus has to see how the revelation of who He is makes a great difference to the nature of the church in rebuke and in consolation.

God help us as we look at these churches, God help us to see Jesus glorified and concerned for His Body. God help us to get the piece of the whole picture and see the whole things in the light and wonder of who He is with the desire that we will do what is necessary to pay careful and keen attention to what He says.

Questions based on the Set-Up to the Letter to the Churches

  • How do you value the words of Jesus to the church today?
  • What does knowing the future as Jesus shows it do to your faith?
  • How would your church respond to knowing Jesus is about to give a report on how they’re doing at the moment?
  • What challenges are there to valuing the words of Christ to His church today?
  • Is your church aware of the state of other sister churches in the region? Should it be a concern?
  • Jesus reveals Himself gloriously to John but for a purpose – what is that purpose and how does that affect your way of seeing Christ and the church today?
  • What is Jesus looking for from your church today?

For His Name’s Sake


C. L. J. Dryden

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