About That Quote: On Excellence

There are few things in life as wonderful, refreshing and invigorating as seeing someone do something to an excellent standard.

It is sad that often, for a wide range of reasons, we are somewhat cultured to accept that which is less than excellent, so that the excellent is soething of a rarity. It’s sad, because my fundamental belief about the human created by God is that there is something and somewhere in which they can truly excel. Excelling in that areas is not to their own benefit, but to the benefit of those around them in receip of that in which they excel.

There does not need to be any onus on one area of expertise over the other. Sure there are specific areas that we acknowledge some do that are rare, but that should not be at the cost of others who do seemingly regular and ordinary things to an excellent degree. Imagine we could put our effort into doing what we’re currently called to do in an excellent way and in time we discover that place in which we are uniquely fashioned and positioned to flourish in excellence. What a difference that makes to relationships, to the world of work – literally to everything if we had that mind-set. This is not something that we just accept and rest on our laurels about, even if we’re gifted in it. It’s an attitude of the mind to work in a way and continue to work in that way in the desire to improve and excel further.

It is something that I’m committed in. It’s something that I’ve had to learn over the years because I acknowledge that my attitude did not always lend itself to taking seriously the opportunity and responsibility to excel in whatever God put my way. Learning from those experiences have deepended a great desire to excel in those things and likewise encourage others to applaud, appreciate and apply the excellence principle themselves. Life need not be average, mediocre and run of the mill. Excellence can make the difference and it is attainable to all who can understand it.

For His Name’s Sake


C. L. J. Dryden

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