Life in 4-D

It has been a delight to go through the life of Moses and explore what’s written about him up to the time that the tabernacle was constructed and dedicated.

In the future, I hope to continue and complete a profile of the life of Moses as shared in the scripture and what we can learn from it. Going forward, the next series will consider the life of David as shared in scripture.

The fascinating thing about these profiles are some qualities that appear in people. It’s as though they thrived in living life in 4-D.

Desire – These figures sussed out that desiring God was the best desire to have. Setting that above everything else and truly seeking Him wholeheartedly, taking delight in His company and listening keenly to obey his instructions was paramount to them. It was only of importance just because of how much they found the greatest value in seeking Him and cherishing Him with all that they had. This is outstanding in a world where true motives can be exposed by our responses to situations. Where it transpires that God is only as good as He does what we really desire – riches, popularity, power, glory, comfort, security and self-gratification. It was not always the case that these godly figures were pure in their intentions. Whether it was anger, fear or lust, they would sometimes miss the mark. Those errors, however, refocused them on that desire of greatest worth – knowing God.

Dedication – It’s one thing to have the desire – plenty of people have desire. These notable figures, however applied a dedication to fulfil that desire. The cost was high on them in terms of relationships, opportunities and positions. It could bring them at odds with those who suggested that they were supportive. It might not always be the most popular or most convenient decisions to be made, but their commitment to the cause gave them the drive to go through what needed to be done. That whatever-the-cost attitude and being totally sold out on their desire marked them out, made them the sort of people you would put on the hall of faith for the exploits they carried out. This dedication did not emerge from themselves as though their own effort and character made things happen. It was their total trust in the heart of their desire. as their desire was on God who created them in His image, so they tapped into the source that strengthened, consoled and guided them as much in success as in setbacks.

Discipline – Here were characters that understood the importance of prayer and other activities done to reinforce their relationship with God. Their lives were not lives in a loose and reckless fashion. That dedication driven by that desire shaped habits and behaviours that reflected character committed to the cause. Even if those rhythms put them at odds with the prevailing culture, they would not be deterred from doing what they applied themselves to in maintaining and deepening their devotion to the one who called them and equipped them to be as successful as they were. The disciplined life was not one of drudgery or out of obligation, this life of discipline was heartfelt and for that special Audience of One so that what they produced would be pleasing to God. This disciplined life was likewise not about looking for ease in life, but establishing that which was essential to build on whatever they had attained at that time. Build on it so that the final construct would established founded on the desire and rigorous against the challenges it would face.

Diligence – What made them faithful stewards to the cause given to them was their diligence. The disciplined life led them to be thorough and considered in their activities. It reflected in being surrounded by good people to support them in the cause and this ensured that the quest to fulfil the life’s desire in the life dedicated to that desire would not be wasted and as much of their lives would be maximised because of that diligence. That care for what might be trivial to someone else. That respect for the opportunities that presented itself and their readiness to apply themselves fully was the expression in that life of diligence. This gave them the platform in which the single-minded pursuit of that desire of the greatest worth could leave a lasting legacy for others to acknowledge and then pursue for themselves appreciating that it would require the diligence in every day life to endure and enjoy what God had in store for them.

It’s reassuring to know that these qualities were not just present in great men of faith who lived thousands of years ago. It’s reassuring to see examples present in every day life. They won’t necessarily get media attention, they probably won’t have books written about them or documentaries produced to capture their great stories. They exist, though. Men and women in communities of grace whose lives operate and flourish in 4-D. They have read the lives, they’ve studied the characteristics and they have noted the crucial role the great desire plays in all these achievements. They humbly and meekly carry on their daily duties to please the King of glory. They are examples to follow so that in due course we will likewise be examples for others to follow us as we follow Jesus – the One great desire of our lives.

God help us to appreciate these great profiles presented of real human lives, real human failings and real human successes. Lives that thrive because by His Spirit, following the example of the Son we can enjoy fullness of life pleasing to the Father.

All through life in 4-D.

(Photo by Mark Claus on Unsplash)

For His Name’s Sake


C. L. J. Dryden

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