Anniversary Celebration: Foundation

On Sunday 15th June 2003 Authrine and I held the wedding ceremony that expressed to the world we were committing the rest of our lives together in holy matrimony.

We get this date every year to celebrate our anniversary, so we’ve done this a few times now. On this occasion, though I am truly grateful that the foundation of the marriage is the love of God in Jesus Christ. I am grateful for that foundation because it is one that has needed to be referred to constantly to strengthen the bond between us. At times of great tension and pressure that foundation has been essential for the survival of the relationship. At times of joy and gladness the foundation has been essential to bring us back to the reason why we have those opportunities and enriches it substantially as a result.

That day was the celebration of marrying my best friend. This day I celebrate still being married to my best friend. It is made possible by the grace of God opening our hearts to each other and finding great value therein. I still treasure greatly the heart of my wife. It’s great musing and pondering over it and celebrating her for that tremendous heart of hers. It is truly my precious privilege to have seen her grow over these years and to see our union produce three remarkable girls further beautifies our relationship. We still know that it is in loving each other that we best present love to them and that is a good, constant spur to remind us of that.

That foundation of the love of God in Christ has meant we have come across brothers and sisters who offer so much to help us on our journey together. By brothers and sisters I mean that not just in the church sense or blood bond, I mean that in great people God has brought our way who have embedded themselves firmly in our hearts for their love to us individually and as a couple. We remain ever grateful for the investment these people have given and continue to give us.

When it’s all said and done, though, as the night draws in and the children settle in their bedroom, it is just Authrine and I. Yet it is not just Authrine and I – we have flourished whenever it is Authrine and I on the foundation of the love of God in Christ. Long may our marriage flourish on that foundation.

For His Name’s Sake
C. L. J. Dryden

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