Journeyman Journal: Jesus Revealed On the Journey

There is more to Jesus than meets the eye.

Sadly in the journey of life, we don’t always take a chance to see what more there is to see beyond our regular sight. We take things at face value and are content with what we saw that was right with us and that assured us. We’re good with that. We don’t need more than that.

We’re cool with the Jesus that swoops in for the rescue. We love the Jesus who is going to feed us and protect us. We are keen on the Jesus who is preparing a place for us so we can be with Him. We appreciate the Jesus who will console us when we’re down.

That’s all good.

The Jesus that places demands on us in the journey is something we’ll overlook. The Jesus who has requirements for following Him that will call for us to carry our cross is not something we need to hear when we’re having a hard time in our relationships or finances. The Jesus who as a teacher and Shepherd is just as much about instruction, discipline and rebuke sounds way too judgemental for our sensitive ears where we just want to stay comfortable in whatever we identify ourselves as being.

True progress in the journey is about going beyond surface-level approaches to Jesus. It’s taking the time to appreciate the many facets of Jesus that makes Him who He is and that He reveals to us so we can know Him, love Him and follow Him on His terms and conditions. The way Jesus corrects and disciplines is just as much about His mercy and care as His forgiveness of our sins. He doesn’t switch off being merciful when He rebukes.

It becomes all the more apparent that I cannot afford to go off whatever I thought I knew about God from yesterday and yesterywar. I cannot afford to assume I got Jesus down and don’t need His presence and to engage with Him at every stage of the journey. I need Him now more than ever. I appreciate how He brings others into my to share what we know about Jesus so we can grow in the grace and knowledge of Him and I’ll never be unfruitful in that knowledge as it’s worked out in every day life.

That means things I wouldn’t think of ten years ago I can partake in now because of who He is. That means that decisions I would have been afraid to take five years ago, I can take now because of who He is. That means progress on the journey now can happen as I yield to who He reveals Himself to be at this stage of the journey. I yield and choose to trust Him. As I trust Him and follow Him, I am assured of one truth among others:

There is more to Jesus than meets the eye.

(Photo by Jehyun Sung on Unsplash)

For His Name’s Sake


C. L. J. Dryden

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