Esther: An Inspirational Woman

There are a lot of great people in scripture. People that did great feats of courage. One of those that I hope is not overlooked in that list, is Esther. Recently I was reflecting on just what it was about Esther that made her such a remarkable character in the history of the people. Three I’s came to mind – Integrity, Intelligence and Influence.

Here’s what I mean.

Integrity: She did not act in a duplicitous manner when she entered the reckoning to be the next wife of the king. On the contrary she took advice from her cousin and still remained true to who she was even as she made strides in the upper echelons of the foreign power. This integrity was what helped to gain favour in the various levels of the king’s court. It was this integrity that was the turning point when she was told of the fate that was meant for her people because of the machinations of Haman. Sure, Mordecai had to remind her of the seriousness of the situation, but Esther still took the situation seriously enough to let godly character have its way. She stood up when it would have been easier to take a back seat in the situation. It’s bravery and it’s courage, sure, but it’s a vivid expression of the integrity of this humble woman who rose to the occasion.

Intellect: How Esther was able to gain favour with the king in the critical situation for her people was truly a masterstroke. Nowhere is there any indication that it was someone else’s idea to set up two meals for the king and Haman. It’s a brilliant example of the sharp intellect that marks her out. Intellect is also behind her adherence to wisdom when she receives it from her Uncle Mordecai to get into the palace in the first place. Yet it is at this feast that we see Esther’s intelligence really burning brightly. There’s a saying that the best way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, Esther played on that to the maximum when putting on a feast fit for a king … for the king. Not only that but to have the poise after the first feast to defer the offer of the king to a second feast is brilliant. How many of us after that one feast would be quick to whip out the wish-list? But the poise, the patience, the sharp-mindedness to keep her king enticed for another 24 hours. You can imagine what the king would have been considering from the end of that meal to the other. And Haman – look at the guy – completely unsuspecting that his own downfall is going to happen after he dines with the king and his wife. Totally oblivious to the fact that the second feast will be his last meal. All because of the insightful intellect given to this woman.

Influence: What I see in Esther is the evidence that people are strategically located to make a difference for the benefit of others. Mordecai didn’t necessarily have that in mind when he encouraged Esther to go for the position of Queen. It’s not blatantly obvious that Esther appreciated this when she found favour with the king and become his new Queen. We don’t always appreciate why we have been strategically located where we are in life, but God has a great way of allowing events to take place to bring about the realisation, if we have the sense to grasp it. Esther had more than enough sense eventually to make the most of her strategic position for the benefit of others. The lives of her people are not just saved but advanced because of her influence. Her Uncle turns from someone on the outside of major decision-making to a crucial prime ministerial position because of her influence. The role she plays in the change that takes place in the lives of her people and her family is astounding all because she made the most of her influence.

I don’t read about Esther and shrug and think it’s alright for her because she was in the palace. I don’t have that attitude because what makes her great in these characteristics are available to anyone who trusts the same God that was instrumental in her people. These characteristics are not unique to Esther. These are much needed today in every aspect of life. Women of integrity, intellect and influence are crucially needed in the homes, offices, court-rooms, classrooms, palaces and prisons around this world.

Thank God for Esther – an example that inspires women thousands of years later.

(Photo by maxime caron on Unsplash)

For His Name’s Sake


C. L. J. Dryden

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