And You Are?

David Hayward aka The Naked Pastor is a rather thought provoking blogger.  I find his blogs captivating for the thoughts they provoke and the journey to Jesus in which they lead me.  Fellowship and enjoying each other’s company and contributions is not about conformity and agreement, but it is about that spirit of grace that allows us to consider what we contribute and applying what Paul says – trying the spirits and holding onto what is true.

When he put up this picture (entitled Jesus Incognito – clever guy our Mr. Hayward, despite coming from Canada!) it made me chuckle.  How true it is! The church can be so encumbered with other things that, when Jesus Himself – the One that is made reference to – actually enters in, not only is He not recognised, there is no room for Him.  So that can be true for some elements and expressions of church.

How much more true is it, though, that our lives can be like that as well?  I know this all too well.  Busy with God-stuff.  Gotta do this.  Gotta do that.  Prepare this.  Prepare that.  God has got to be pleased with all this stuff that I’m doing!  Surely!  Surely, right!?  Am I right???

So faith is about what I do, not just what I profess or confess.  Love is action, not just words.  The focus and definition of both, however, is and must remain Jesus.  Knowing Him is not just about being so consumed with what He’s done or what He’s said and then going about being consumed by doing and saying.  IT is as much about relating to who He is – loving Jesus Christ for who He is.  Taking it from there.

I’m grateful for cartoons like this that remind me not to be so engrossed with whatever that I miss the point and fail to recognise the purpose for my existence.

For His Name’s Sake



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